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90-day subchronic toxicological assessment of AC4
http://www.lantyng.url.tw/en/custom_67460.html 90-day subchronic toxicological assessment of AC 90-day subchronic toxicological assessment of AC This present study was conducted to assess the 90-day oral toxicity of Mycelium powder of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng) and Mycelium extract of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng) in male and female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats.Mycelium powder of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng)During the experiment period, no abnormal changes were observed in clinical signs, body weight and ophthalmological examinations.Mycelium extract of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng)During the experiment period, no abnormal changes were observed in clinical signs, body weight and ophthalmological examinations.
http://www.lantyng.url.tw/en/ Lantyng Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
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This present study was conducted to assess the 90-day oral toxicity of Mycelium powder of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng) and Mycelium extract of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng) in male and female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats.

Mycelium powder of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng)

During the experiment period, no abnormal changes were observed in clinical signs, body weight and ophthalmological examinations.


Mycelium extract of solid-state cultured Antrodia cinnamomea (Lantyng)

During the experiment period, no abnormal changes were observed in clinical signs, body weight and ophthalmological examinations.
